Bent: Bükülmüş
Narrow: Dar
Low: Alçak
High: Yüksek
Broken: Kırık
Short: Kısa
Long: Uzun
Small: Küçük
Big: Büyük
Flat: Patlak
Pipe: Boru
Tyre: Lastik
Wall: Duvar
House. Ev
Ruler: Cetvel
Hammer: Çekiç
Window: Pencere
Match the sentences with the picture (Cümlelerle resimleri eşleştirin)
- The ruler is broken
- The hammer is broken
- The screwdriver is broken
- The tyre is flat
- The pipe is bent
- The saw is broken
- The window is broken
- The saw is bent
Answer these questions
1- What’s wrong with the tyre?
It’s flat
2- What’s wrong with the pipe?
3- What’s wrong with the ruler?
4- What’s wrong with the saw?
5- What’s wrong with the hammer?
6- What’s wrong with the saw?
7- What’s wrong with the window?
8- What’s wrong with the screwdriver?
Where is it?
On: Üstünde
Under: Altında
İn: İçinde
Beside: Yanında
Above: Üst tarafta
Below: Alt tarafta
Between: Arasında
Ruler: Cetvel
Switch: Elk anahtarı
Socket: Priz
Drawer: Çekmece
Shelf: Raf
Box: Kutu
Door: Kapı
Window: pencere
Table: masa
Lamp: Lamba
Screwdriver is on the table
Screwdriver is under the table
Fill İn the Blanks
1-The socket is above the table
(Priz masanın yukarısında)
2-The witch is above the window
(Anahtar pencerenin yukarısında)
3-The switch is beside the window
(Anahtar pencerenin yanında)
4-The switch is between the window and the door
(Anahtar pencereyle kapının arasında)
5-The fan is beside the door
Vantilatör kapının yanında
6-The screwdriver is on the shelf
(Tornavida rafın üstünde)
7- The box is under the table
(Kutu masanın altında)
8- The fan is between the lamp and the door
(vantilatör lambayla kapının arasında)
9-The switch is below the window
Anahtar pencerenin alt tarafında
10- The pliers is below the hammer
(pense çekicin alt tarafında)